-3Materials and Methods

The procedures employed in the present investigation.


Gamma spectra were made on dried or ashed samples to

determine if gamma peaks other than those from expected fission
products were present.


Selected samples were wet or dry ashed, dissolved in

acid solution,

and separated by a cation exchange technique on

Dowex 50.


The various fractions from the resin columns were ex-

amined by means of 7


A mass absorption, and ra-

dioactive decay determinations.


Those fractions containing several isotopes (e.g.,

rare earths or heavy metals) were separated further by subse-

quent cationic exchange or by chloride complexing techniques on

anionic exchange resin.

The fractions from the second ion exchange treatment

(4) were examined by the methods set forth in (3).

Chemical separations by precipitation techniques were

done on selected fractions from (3) or (4) to further establish
the identity of the isotope in question and to rule out the presence of isotopes of other elements with similar

7 characteristics.

Control experiments with radioactive spikes were conducted
to determine the reliability of the results obtained with the
techniques used.
The radiochemical technique for the separation of the nuclides

in the samples by means of ion-exchange columns was adapted from



Select target paragraph3