-4OThe terns, or sea swallows, at the Pacific Proving Ground
also contain gn©> in their organs and tissues.

Except during

the time interval shortly after detonation, almost a11 of the
radioactivity in these animals is due to an©>,

curves for tern muscle,

lected in 1954 at Bikini,
gn°> splke.






In Fig. 14 the
and gut,


are compared with the curve for a

In each case n°? contributes almost all of the


In tern liver samples collected in Septem~

ber 1956 at Bikini, however, Co?! C078, and a0°° were also present although almost all of the radicactivity was contributed by

zn°> (Pig. 15).

In the corresponding 1954 Bikini tern liver sam-

ple shown in Fig. 15 all of the

Y activity was due to zn©?,

A pattern of distribution of the radioactive lsotopes of
the transition elements manganese, iron, cobalt and zine in the
plants and animals at the Pacific Proving Ground is evident even
from the limited number of

In general,


spectrum curves made thus far,

these fsotopes are found in the sea and not on

the land, in the marine animals and not in the marine plants.
Table 5 shows the samples, on which


spectra have been

made, in which none of the above named transition elements could

be detected.

Table 6 shows the samples in which the isotopes

in question have been observed by



On the land few or none of the non-fission products were

detected in the soil, in the Plants growing i: the soil, nor in
the herbivorous rats.
In the water surrounding the islands few or none of the

non-fission products were present in the algae nor in the sea

Select target paragraph3