
Elutions from Dowex 50 were done on sample III (fish liver
homogenate collected September 1956 near Bikini Island) and sam-

ple IV (fish liver homogenate collected in May and June, 1954,
The isotbpes contained in the samples were

at Belle Island).

{dentified, as before, by use of the




mass absorption tech-

spectra determinations, and comparison of the exper-

{mental elution curves with spike elution curves.

cobalt separations were made on some fractions.

In addition,

Iron separa-

tions by the Los Alamos method were made on the oxalate fraction of sample IV.

The results confirmed the ion-exchange

The results of the studies on the four samples containing
predominantly non-fission products and the sample of Belle Island soil which,

for the most part, contained fission products

are summarized in Table 4,
In order to confirm the results obtained by the ion exchange
techniques, chemical separations were made for one or more of
the elements, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn,

and V,

on selected samples.


each case the chemical findings corroborated those reported above.

Chemical separations for manganese, cobalt and vana-


dium were done on two fish muscle samples:


Bonito muscle collected at Yvonne Island,

Eniwetok Atoll, November 26, 1954,

Bonito muscle collected at the Eniwetok Deep
Passage between Parry and Japtan Islands,

November 27, 1954.

Select target paragraph3