~24Te fourth peak in the original elution curve occurred at

pH 4.1.

As above,the fsotope comprising the peak was Mn+,


total Mm>4 in clam kidney sample I amounted to 38,500 d/m.
The last peak of the original elution experiment contained
a total of only 20 c/m over background and occurred at pH 4.1,
fraction 1.

Because of the low level of activity the identity

of the isotope or isotopes comprising the fraction was not determined; however, gr89, 90 are known to be eluted.at this position.
Sample II
Bonito liver sample II collected at Pox Island, Bikini Atoll,
September 23, 1956.

in Fig. €.

The elution curve for this sample is shown

The anions were not identified but had maximum PB

energies of .03 and .45 MEV and


peaks of .67 and .89 MEV.

The oxalate fraction contained Fe, Fe’, and Zr?9_Nb?>.

The activities of Fe-? (488 d/m) and Zr9°-Nb?> (100 d/m) were
determined from the


spectrum curve.

The identification of Fe? was made by mass absorption


The procedures used for oxalate fractions b and

¢ may be cited as examples of the method.
One-ml samples of oxalate fractions b and ¢,

after drying

under an infrared heat lamp, yielded counts of 11,400 and 1,240
cfm respectively in the windowless methane gas-flow counter.
After the plates were flamed their counts were 29,700 and 3,510
c/m respectively.

After each plate was covered with aluminum

foil of 4.7 mg/em= weight the observed counts were 174 and 8 cfm

In a similar experiment with six Fe?> spikes the

averages of the counts were 6,190 c/m with only carrier-free Fe->


- 3d

Select target paragraph3