

peak was considered to be from Co?!”

The two cobalt separation methods and the subsequent vanadium separations were made on the pH 3.3 l-p fraction.

The re-

sults were similar to those for the pH 3.3 c-h samples.

The above results indicate that Co’ (170,000 afm), Co™
(162,000 d/m), and Co®° (32,200 d/m) comprise this fraction.
All subsequent studies on cobalt in samples from the Pacific
Proving Ground by means of cationic and anionic exchange resin
techniques, chemical and


spectrometric methods, and byobser-

vations of decay rates support this conclusion and will be dis-

cussed later in this paper.
The third peak in the second elution curve occurred at pH 3.4

(Fig. 1, inset).
respect to the




activity in the fraction was low with

activity and had a maximum energy of approxi-

mately 1.0 MEV (range 410 me/em* aluminum),
a pronounced peak at .84 MEV (Fig. 5).

The Y

Both the

spectrum had



7 char-

acteristics of the fraction are identical with those of Mn?4
balt separations on the fraction done by both the
naphthol and the Los Alamos methods did not have

significantly above background,


@ -nitroso- PB B:




Chemical separation for Mn?

(Meinke, 1949) was not done on the fraction containing Min,


ever, subsequent chemical separations on other samples containing

the .84 MEV

7Y peak have given positive Mn>4 separations and will

be discussed later,
The ashed resin from the second elution experiment on clam

kidney sample I also contained only Min 24 (Fig. 5).

Select target paragraph3