



Bonito liver, Fox Island, Bikini Atoll,
collected September 22, 1956.
Fish liver homogenate, How Island, Bikini Atoll,
collected September 22, 1956.

Fish liver homogenate, Belle Island, Eniwetok
Atoll, collected May-June, 1954.
Soil, Belle Isiand, Eniwetok Atoll, collected

September 19, 1956,

The results for the first two separations -- clam kidney
and bonito liver -- are described in detail.

The summarized

results of these and the other three samples are shown in
Table 4,
Sample I


cogentARsehr's MaREHyae

as sueay

Clam kidney sample I (Belle Island, Sept. 22, 1956) was
passed through a Dowex 50 cationic resin column (Fig. 1).


anions were not adsorbed onto the resin bed and were washed out

of the column with a .2.N HCl. This fraction consisted of Ru?6RnLOS and Zr??-Nb?° in the anion form.

The disintegration rates

of the Rut°6_pyt°© (13,000 afm) and 2r95-Nb95 (2,430 d/m) in the
fraction were determined from the 7

spectrum curve (Pig. 2).

On the basis of the disintegration rate calculated from the
spectrum the



count for the fraction should have been 2,190

The observed B

oxalate sample.

count was 2,300 c/n.

in the cation form,

and Fe? were present in the

Based on calculations from the 7

cationic Zr?°-Nb?° accounted for 280 d/m and Fe??,
(Fig. 2).


spectrum curve,

2,680 d/m

Fe?° was detected at a very low efficiency in the frac-

tion because an end window geiger tube was used for the measurement.

nt L





44 \N

Select target paragraph3