etROte et 1 fal aed, oe .coat ee UWFL-51 Q so7eee ICLASSIFIED HEALTH AND SAFETY UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION THE OCCURRENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOACTIVE NON-FISSION PRODUCTSIN PLANTS AND ANIMALS OF THE PACIFIC PROVING GROUND By | Frank G. Lowman Ralph F. Palumbh o ae eee te Dorothy J. Sout . i ite. 2 7 OF } WE VRCHESES ae nmete is edhebeer (Bre. t June 12, 1957 osiabe f peat - wee a aca tanta a a aeae ARREE NE! cme ~~ C. fi 4 t 2 et Zz som wee ae 7 eeae “oe : ne ceca eines cana cee coe . emonee cramer 1 NE + & ot eet Applied Fisheries Laboratory University of Washington Seattle, Washington Technica! Information Service Extension, Oak Ridge, Tenn. BEST COPY AVAILABLE \ ‘ ers | =I So & 9 a ° I er 25 . a a4 ~ vu > < S= > Cos ES CF