
smaller portion (less than 10%) of the estimated whole-body, bone-marrow, or

effective dose.

The '37Cs body burdens of the Bikinians were determined by

whole-body counting prior to their relocation in August 1978 (Miltenberger
et al.,








estimated based

upon our

measurements and our diet model (Robison et al., 1982b).
Qur sampling and processing procedures have been described in some detail
in Robison et al. (1982a, 1982b).
Briefly, soil samples were collected as soil profiles with the following
increments of soil depth:

0 to 5 cm, 5 to 10 cm, 10 to 15 cm, 15 to 25 cm, 25

to 40 cm, 40 to 60 cm, and 60 to 100 cm.

Soils were oven dried at LLNL,

screened through 1/8" mesh, ball-milled to a fine powder mixture, packed in-

aluminum cans, and analyzed for !3/Cs by gamma spectroscopy. The samples
taken during the 1978 survey were subsequently sent for analysis of 29Sr,

239+240py, and 247am by wet chemistry.

Wet chemistry analyses from our Bikini

and Eneu Island continuing program were somewhat limited due



constraints, and approximately 40% of the soil samples taken were sent for

analysis of 20Sr, 239+240py and 24!am by wet chemistry.
Edible food crops such as coconuts, breadfruit, and Pandanus fruit were
collected where they were available.

Most food crops were unavailable at

islands other than Bikini and Eneu, the exceptions were coconut samples on
both Jelete and Aerokojlol.

Vegetation samples, including food crops, were

frozen in the field and shipped


to Lawrence

Livermore National

Laboratory (LLNL), where they were reduced to constant dry weight by freeze
drying, ground to small particle size, packed in aluminum cans 8.0 cm in

diameter by 4.6 cm deep, and analyzed for !3/Cs by gamma spectroscopy... After
gamma spectroscopy, approximately 12% of the canned samples were sent to an

analytical laboratory for analysis of 90Sr, 239+240py, and 241Am by wet
chemistry procedures.

Muscle tissue and organs from pigs and whole chickens slaughtered on the
islands were frozen and transported to LLNL.
to the food-crop samples.


Samples were processed similarly

Select target paragraph3