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Those on Attached List


Chief, Safety Advisory Group, Office of the Test Manager,
{F. D.Cluff): Designated as the NVOO Radiological Safety
Officer for the Bikini clean-up effort, with responsibility to

the Manager, NVOO, for determining that DOD radiological
health and safety plans are approved for the AEC prior to
the beginning of field operations, and that radiological

health and safety requirements for the scrap removal project are met at the completion of the project. He will also
be responsible for maintaining surveillance over the radiological clean-up program during its execution as necessary
to assure AEC objectives are met, and will advise and

assist in on-site radiological program direction in support
of the clean-up effort as requested by CJTF-8. The NVOO
Radiological Safety Officer will report to the Manager, NVOO,
through the Test Manager, but will coordinate closely with

the Manager, HAQ, on all matters affecting the latter's
project support responsibility.


Program Reporting.

The Project Officer and Radiological Safety

Officer are requested to submit reports to the Manager, NVOO,
(with copies to the Director, Plans Division) as follows:

Overall Program Plans.

As soon as the clean-up plans are

formulated by the Project Manager the above officials are

requested to assure that copies are furnished to the Manager,
NVOO, and to the Director of Plans Division, NVOO.


any tasks in the overall plans are the responsibility of NVOO,

these tasks will be specifically identified.

Also, organiza-

tional arrangements by which NVOOtasks will be carried

out and the time schedule will be identified specifically. The

Project Officer is requested to provide cost estimates for
the entire clean-up operation as developed by the Project

Manager. As the above described plans and/or estimates
change during execution of the program updated reports will
be submitted.


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JTF-8 OPORD 602-69 is included as Appendix B.


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