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1. General: JTF-8 has been assigned the task of cleaning up the Bikini
Atoll for the return of the natives. During build up, clean up and roll
up phases of this task voice communications will be required to Hawaii,
Kwajalein, ground to air and intra atoll. Communications must be
accomplished with the absolute minimum numbers of personnel and equipment.

Statement of the Situation:

"a. Bikini Atoll is located approximately 2200 miles South West of
Honolulu, Hawaii, 200 miles North of Kwajalein Atoll and 160 miles East
of Eniwetok in the Trust Territory of the South West Pacific Ocean.
Communication systems, point-to-point, ground-to-air and intra-atoll,
are basic requirements to accomplish the mission assigned CJTF-8. In
order that the cost, the logistics, and the numbers of personnel in the
task group can be kept to the very minimum, this communications plan will
provide what is considered the absolute minimum essential to support the
basic plan.
b. ENYU Island located South of Bikini Island has been selected as
the base camp site and the location of the communication facility to
support the task group. Due to the fact that there are no means of

communications to or from the Atoll area, H-F and VHF have been determined

as the best method to satisfy the requirement. Communications, except in
an emergency, will operate during day-light hours only.


Proper frequencies will be available for good circuits.

b. Eniwetok will be able to accept our SSB circuit and will patch
it into a DCS voice circuit to Kwajalein.

DCA will approve and assign use of DCS voice channel from

Eniwetok - Kwajalein to JTF-8.


d. Reliable 110/120 volts 60 cycle electrical current will be
available in support of communication equipment.

Proposed Method of Accomplishment:


The first shipment of equipment to Bikini Atoll (ENYU Island)

will contain 3 KWM-2 Transciever's to be assigned as fel bows:

(1) One at ENYU - Damon Tract circuit to be placed on sloping
"Vv" antenna to be erected by H&N after arrival at the Atoll area.

Select target paragraph3