Upon landing, the pilot compleined of low speed yev.

This was

attributed to the fact that the instrumentation pod under the aircraft we

Similar yaw had been previously experienced with the pod dow.

(An PTF since the sission with the ped flush has proven the essumpticn

correct. )

There was no epparent damage Ww the instrumentation.

All of the 50 osoillograph recorded parameters produced usable data,


of the wing deflection cameras wes fussy until just before shook arrival
when it cleared up and produced usable deta.

The photopanel casera, re-

cording 26 parameters, functioned properly but the data collected vas not
entirely satisfactory in that the fils quality was poor rendering it

difficult to read and interpret.

The file apparently suffered fron

exposure to weather.
Gost Data:


Overpressure measured was about

Gust response

was about 6& for shear and bending and about 8% for torque.
Thermal Date:

Thermal response wes again considered less than

AAT of about 66° F on the unpainted and about 95° F on the

black painted honeycomb was recorded.

Thies vas not primarily a thermal

Nuclear Radiation:
film badge.

A reading o

@ recorded on the rilot's

Based on positioning yield, BE vo predicted.
The participation was righty successful from this project's
It produced cur best gust data to date,


Select target paragraph3