
There was no significant damage that could definitely be

attributed to effects of the shot.

Some items noted were:

The lower ventral fairing plating on both engines showed sone

ebift at the fasteners and joints from aft of the engine to tre parabrake.
The plating is built to expand vith increase of engine heat so that this is
not really in the oategory of damage.

It ie felt that it was an effect

since it is the opinion of the project that the weapon caused the definite
shift noted.

The stainless steel fingers co the trailing edge of the aft
engine doors vere sprung on the underside and some of the keyholes vere

Although this is not of any consequence, it is mystifying how

this happened with the gust hitting from below rather than aft.


explanation is offered here.
There were ainor skin buckles of no consequence forward of the
fingere on the underside of the left engine.

Some doubt exists as to

whether the buckles vere effects of the shot or wrether they vere present

before the flight.
The forward Hartwell fastener on the left hand starter exhaust
door was unlatched,

Again, it cannot be definitely determined if the

fastener was latched prior to flight or not.

It Je believed it wes and

that the overpressure caused this.
The rubberised sealer on the left wing tip was blistered by heat
but it wes not discolored.
the lest participation.

This was a new tip put om the aircraft aince

The tip was installed as it was received.

It vas

not cleaned before installation and it was packed in greased preservative

The surface ves oily during the participetion and it 1s suapected

that this caused the blistering.


Similar parts on the stabilator shewed

~ Be

75 BE

Select target paragraph3