
occurring native flora and by planting suitable
crops with known growth and variation patterns.


Could some of the conclusions you are seeking be drawn
from a trip possibly this next summer?

Another point could be placed on the scale of

studies of biotic contamination in the field laboratory at Eniwetok.

The amount and kinds of con-

tamination in the biotic forms could be measured
and their distribution mapped.

The mutations, tumor growth, etc., of the plants on
the shot islands could be determined.


time has now elapsed since previous visits that additional changes will be evident.

The repopulation of the devastated areas in the water
adjacent to the shot islands should be evaluated.

The basic problems of contamination of aquatic and
terrestrial areas from an atomic bomb detonated at a
low elevation need constant study,

the logical place for such a study.

and Eniwetok is

Select target paragraph3