
Commission is interested.

The level of radiation at Eniwetok as measured by
the sample sent to the Laboratory has an activity

level of 7.5 x 10° d/m/g, which is sufficiently high
for biological work.

The level of alpha activity of 329 d/m/g from the
Eniwetok sample is sufficiently high to do alpha
contamination studies for years to come.

In recurrent tests how: could | revegetation be studied?

It is difficult to do other than generalize on this
question without knowing the physical changes that
have been made or those which are planned for the
islands prior to and after the tests.

It would seem that this problem might be approached
by following the

revegetation and reconstruction of

the soil in completely devastated areas.

A pie-

shaped portion of the shot island could be reserved
for these studies.

The re-establishment of the floral cover of the test

islands could be followed by using the naturally


Select target paragraph3