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communications facilities available on the press ship
are considerec barely acequate for U.S. press neecs and
would be insufficient for a combined U.S. and foreign

press group.


Department of Defense views this solution as unacceptable
on the besis that additional foreign official observers

cannot be accommocated without overta::ing existing
logistic facilities,


Invitetion to U.S. press om one trip and approximately 49-5C

foreign official observers on the second trip.

(U.K. and Canadian obeervers

to be accommodated separately.)


T his solution micht satisfy the recuirement of
cenenting zood relations with our allies, and would
be sunported by State and CIA,
Department of Defense would object to this solution on

the same basis as (t) above.

In addition, Department of

Defense feels that even if the logistics problem were to


be solved, the results woula not justify *he expense.

Select target paragraph3