plus necessary staff to service this croup,

There is no provision at

present for accommodating foreign mecia or foreign cbhservers either afloat

or ashore (5 UK and 5 Canadian cfficial representetives are the exception
to this statement).


The following ccurses cf action have been developed with the

view to minimizing unfavorable impact on foreiyn climate of opinion:


No press be invited and a coorinated information program be

developed by ADC

and the Departizent of Defense to renlace press coverage,

(Only UK and Canacien official observers would be present:.

This solution causes

the least vroblems in terms of

logistics anc pressures from other netions.


believes that tis will create the least public criticism
and comment.


Defense has no objection to this solution,

In ti.e absence of accommocations for personnel and full
facilities for transmission of information and because
of security restrictions limiting and complicating
coverage on the spot, the U.S. Information ..gency feels
that mare pretlems of a public information character
would be raised by restricting coveraze to certain public
information mecia than would be solved.

<dAccordingly the

U.S, Information Agency favors this solution.

Select target paragraph3