
Meammenerte of Ratioactivity ‘wteide the U.3.
Sesples of aleborne dust wili be taxes st epproexinately TO loceli-

ties throughout the world, in addition to the 46 ¥. 5. stations.


gtudies ef this kind heve shown that fhe srerage guem ray doenge aciivered

by all teste to date is lacs than the dose fron naturel Yeckgroud redistion

curing tie same yeriod of tine.

Gotta aleo will be semplad on s world-wide baste, ond sumples of
other asterials such sq mtik aed cheees, field erope agi lnseen ond aniual
bones will be taken for ermakysia of their strontiue90 comtent. This
progven ia part of the comsizaion's Project tumshine, a study of the
warld-wide distribution asd uptexe.. of redio-active fission groducte,
perticoularly strontius- 9).


Select target paragraph3