‘EE Trang fformation. It represents an extension of the power function
model and takes explicitly into account the microscopic mecha-

in one kind of bone is random as to location, it then
specifies the distribution of local bone ages within that

ivision Ant7
L-7060, pp, in; RODUCTION

rate versus local bone age derived from numerous
experiments in animals and man, it calculates the

of Complex? pi-ms of tracer deposition and removal.
3. Argonne?

on meh In order to calculate the radiation dose to various
ironmental? parts of bone tissue from internally deposited radio-

e National? nuclides, one needs to knowtheir pattern of uptake and
nnual Re-z «tention within the skeletal system. Appropriate
.rn 0878b tn man are scarce,
been. basedeither on
Modernt doses within: bone have
on Modern


1968, Ed:f tion of a uniform distribution of the radionuclide or on

1969), pp.f an observed ratio which relates the activity in newly-

_# formed bone to the specific activity of the diet. It is
‘otometrie# 41. purpose of this report to go more deeply into the

; Arsenazof

subject and to see whether our accumulating knowledge

orium ange of the mechanisms of skeletal metabolism and the

. Acta 10, retention of radionuclides can be put to use in the
construction of a quantitative bone model.
Ne renon
The primary interest will be in the bone-volumeLois State iseckers, the alkaline earth radioisotopes of calcium,
$ strontium, barium, and radium, because they are most

ccurrence f cloxely related to the metabolism of bone itself. The

Bull. Int.f pattern of uptake of the bone-surface-seekers, the rare


oactivity eurths and actinides, can probably be related to that
t: Uptake € of the alkaline earths through the surface/volume
Argonne } ratios of bone.
A Glossary of terms appears at the end of this report.

30. ANL-F An analysis of the pertinent measurements in bone will
F appear in a fortheoming publication. ® A short deserip.
| Phvsieg tion of metabolic mechanisms and their possible rela-

Well Wa-£ ..

une 1959,

tlon to osteosarcomainduction are givenin Reference3.


Abstract of Model


Data bearing directly on the dose rate distribution


f Minne-§
iris, W.,
ical Sur11, 234-

within human bone as a function of time are scarce.

Therefore, our approachis to construct a model of bone

remodeling which is flexible enough to fit existing data

and yet not so complicated that its parameters cannot

be independently compared with experiment. The model

ix :un extension of the modified power function model
and encompasses the microscopic mechanisms and the

+ doxe distribution within bone.

l‘or the present, the model is limited to the descrip, tion of adult human bone. It considers the skeleton to
, be made up of essentially two kinds of bone, cortical
bone and trabecular bone. To each kind of bone it
; assigns a turnover rate or apposition-resorption rate.
sof huef This determines the amount of tracer activity in the
ne have pe inti.
“bution. &
Ui! ¢use hotspots. The turnover rate of cortical bone

‘tse determines the time constant of the final exponen-

tl in the overall retention function. Under the asorganize & “Wnption that this remodeling by apposition-resorption
such in- &

kind of bone. Using an expression for augmentation

distribution of augmentation rates and the overall

augmentation rate for each kind of bone. This determinesthe distribution of activity not connected with
The apposition rate and the augmentation rate for
each kind of bone are then added to give the kinetie

A-value or addition rate, which can be directly com-

pared with measurements of total tracer uptake in
human bone. The power function or multi-exponential
part of the whole-body retention curve is associated

with the process of diminution in both hotspots and the

diffuse component. The final exponential term in the
retention function, which is characteristic of ageinvariant systems, is associated (as mentioned above)

with the resorption rate in cortical bone. The model is
somewhat overdetermined, which means that internal

consistency is obtained only for certain sets of input
parameters. Fortunately, these appear to include the

best estimates of the actual values of the various parameters from direct measurements.


Data for Man
(a) The concentration of Sr in different parts of
bone as a result of fallout.

(b) Radioisotope kineties in man using “Ca, Ca,

SSr, Ba,Ra and “6Ra.

(c) Quantitative autoradiographyof “*Ra and Ca.

(d) The concentration of “*Ra in different bones
relative to that in the whole skeleton from autopsies

and exhumations of radium patients.

(e) Tetracycline labeling of human bone followed
by ultraviolet microscopic analysis of biopsy or autopsy
(f) Microradiographic analysis of formation and
resorption surface.
(g) Whole-body counting or radioisotope retention
over long periods of time.
(h) Histological survey of normal bone for resorption surfaces and osteoid seams,
(i) Surface-to-volumeratios of cortical and trabecular bone in different locations.
(j) Measurements of the amount of trabecular and
cortical bone in different locations.
(k) Measurements of the composition of trabecular
and cortical bone.
(1) Ratio of **Ra/”Ra in normal human bone, cortical and trabecular.

Select target paragraph3