one assumes that the half-life and rates of intake and

exeretion are constant. A single exponential model
leads to the equation

C= Call ~ &),


The data presented here on both stable lead a
210Pb are consistent with those of Horiuchi ét


where C’,, is the skeletal concentration of lead at long
times, A is the decay constant (0.693/half-life), and ¢

is the time in years. An iterative procedure to estimate
the parameters of the above equation (Davidon’s variable metric minimization) @® gives a half-life of 71 +
12 years and a content at long times of 91 + 13 pg/g

ash for the “normal” subjects. This half-life is sub-

stantiated to some extent in data on 71°Pb excretion

rates in radium dial painters in which the biological
half-life (which would appear to applyto stable lead,
also) is about 57 years.“®
The increase in stable lead with ageis also consistent

with previously published data on 7!°Pb in 128 samples

from about 100 subjects from an unexposed midwestern
U.S. population.) A linear regression of the variation
of specific activities in pCi 7!°Pb/g bone ash with age ¢


Y = (0.068 + 0.024) + (0.0015 + 0.004)¢. (2)
The rate of inerease is significant (P < 0.005), al-

though as with stable lead in subjects over 30 years of

age, the coefficient was smaller and not significant at
the 5% level, in agreement with the data of Hunt et

al.@. For the radioactive lead this decrease in slope is
probably caused by the radioactive decay half-life of

21.4 years, which limits the effective (observed) halflife in the body to a maximum of about 15 years.
Although the half-life estimated here is similar to
that found previously, the large variances are a strong
indication of the necessity for further examination of
the assumptions, particularly those of constant intake,
and of the model itself. Thus, the intake of Pb may
vary drastically at various times in life or with social
change. A particularly large increase may occur in the
late teens, because of an increased exposure to cigarette
smoke and auto exhaust. Smoking alone mayincrease

the intakes of stable lead by 30%‘ and of 7#°Pb by
In contrast to the possible increased exposure to

young adults, a decreased exposure above age 70 seems

likely. The fraction of male smokers drops from 55.9%

m the 17 to 44-year group to 28.4% in the over 65-year
group. For women, an even greater reduction in the

percent smoking is observed.) This means that persons reaching the older ages would be partially selected
by smoking habit from a lower lead intake group. This

selectivity would result in the reduced numberof high

values at the older ages as shown in Figure 39, and as
noted by others. &-®)

and of Schroeder and Tipton‘? and demonstrate .

crease in the skeletal concentration of lead with :

about 0.6 ug (g ash) —1 yr—!, This increase with a
quires that 1% of the daily intake be perma

bound by bone, and indicates that the body is 1
equilibrium with environmental lead. The soft
concentrations of lead were constant with age in
U.S. subjects.®) In contrast, Schroeder and 1]
showed a positive correlation between skeleta
soit tissue concentrations in U.S. subjects. Thus,

the skeletal lead maynotbe toxic and bone may:
a detoxifying “sink” in cases of lead poisoning,”
skeletal concentration is an indication of the tot:

posure. Smoking appears to increase the daily ints
lead. Since the percentage of the human populat:
exposed is lowest in the very young and the very
smoking will affect the correlation between agr
the concentration of lead in the bone. Further st
of this nature combined with extensive, well-cont:
metabolic balance studies are indicated. In parti
the lead concentrations in bone from smokers and
smokers need further investigation.

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Select target paragraph3