
TS 7.5.

(15) Provide such other electronic facilities, the operation and

maintenance of which are normally considered a responsibility of
the Signal Corps, which are within the capabilities of personnel and

equipment available.

Naval Task Group



(1) Provide internal task group communications to include faci-

lities for transmission of contact and amplifying reports and traffic of an administrative nature only between CTG 7.3 and the Navy
commands and with naval operating forces not directly concerned with

(2) Provide space aboard USS ESTES for housing and operations
of one (1) officer and six (6) enlisted men of the communications
security monitoring detachment from approximately D-2 thru D/l.

(3) Operate and maintain shipboard command and control commnications facilities for CJTF SEVEN and staff afloat to include on-

line SIGTOT-SAMSON facilities from the USS ESTES to Relay Center,
ENIWETOK. Be prepared to provide, upon request of CJTF SEVEN,

communications for CJTF SEVEN to Primary Relay Station, Pearl Har-

bor (BHF).


(4) Operate and maintain off-line SIGTOT facilities from Hqs,
TG 7.3 afloat (CVE) to Relay Center, ENIWETOK.
(5) Provide radio teletype facilities to major relay stations
at OAHU (UHP) and KWAJALEIN (JHK) in case of emergency evacuation


(6) Provide and operate electronic facilities for the detection
of possible undesirable surface and underwater activity within the

(7) Provide commnications facilities required by the Joint

Task Force Weather Central aboard the AGC.

(8) Provide standard teletype backup for ships using on-line

SIGTOT-SAMSON facilities.

(9) Provide commnications and electronics facilities required

for air control purposes in the CIC aboard the AGC.

(10) Provide and operate communication center and crypto guard

facilities at Hqs, TG 7.3 ashore for internal task group communications.

(11) Provide commnications facilities, including operation of a
radio beacon, required for air control purposes eboard the control

(homing) DDE.


Air Force Task Group (TG _7.4)
(1) Operate and maintain internal task group commnications to

include weather, aircraft movement, air-ground, air—air navigational communications and communications center (less code room)


Select target paragraph3