
(2) Army Security Agency (ASA) ~- will provide a communications

security unit for monitoring task force circuits in the ENIWETOK BIKINI area,

(3) USAF Security Service - will provide special SSM-~4 (SAMSON)

synchronous mxer maintenance personnel and equipment required for
principal task force radioteletype circuits.

(4) Primary Relay Station



T.H. - will be the prin-

cipal relay facility for task force traffic, other than air task
group, to and from the ENIWETOK-BIKINI area.

(5) Major Relay Station (JHK), KWAJALEIN, M.I. ~ will be the

principal relay facility for air task group traffic to and from the
ENIWETOK-BIKINI area; will also provide an alternate relay facility
for other task force traffic.
(6) Communication Center (UWFJA}, LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO - will
provide an alternate relay facility for task force traffic destined
for ZI addressees.

Guiding Principles
a. No radio circuit or telephone circuit having a radio link is
approved for transmission of classified information in the clear.


All TOP SECRET and RESTRICTED DATA traffic will be enciphered

off-line prior to transmission.

c. Code names will not be assigned to individuals.
sonal names on voice radio circuita is authorized.

The use of per-

d. All messages for transmission to addressees outside the ENIWETOKBIKINI operational area will be routed t rough the Joint Relay
p excepts:



(1) Unauthorized entry, contact and amplifying reports which ma:y

be transmitted over normal Navy circuits.

(2) Routine administrative messages not concerned with Operation
CASTLE which may be transmitted over normal Navy circuits.

(3) Traffic between CTG 7.3 and VP=29 Detachment, KWAJALEIN.
(4) Traffic between CTG 7.4 and the weather island detachments.

(5) Unclassified traffic (i.e., weather, aircraft movement) between AACS, KWAJALEIN and AACS Detachment, ENIWETOK.
(6) Intra-task group operational traffic.
O“Fzfe Joint

(W Other traffic as directed by CUTF SEVEN.
Commanders are responsible that communication security is observed at all times.

Select target paragraph3