Rostile Action Alert Plan


any critical threatened island.

(2) Defend ENIWETOK ATOLL, particularly ENIWETOK, PARRY and shot
islands, from hostile attack with combat security force and, on
order of ATCOM ENIWETOK, move to BIKINI ATOLL by vessel and/or air-

craft in event that atoll is threatened.

(3) Assist CTG 7.1 in the immediate removal or destruction of

atomic weapon components and critical test equipment in threatned


(4) Resist and counter-attack enemy forces until the threat is
resolved or until orders are issued by ATCOM ENIWETOK to the contrary.

The Commander, TG 7.3, in the event of a WHITE alert, will:
(1) Be prepared to implement the conditions of a RED alert.

(2) Maintain strict surveillance of the danger area to detect

and report the location and movement of hostile forces and their
provable direction of attack.

(3) Deny entry to the danger area to all unauthorized vessels.
(4) Prepare to assist CTG 7.2 in the defense of the ENIWETOK BIKINI ATOLLS through the use of naval aircraft in close support

and intercept missions where feasible.

(5) Provide necessary surface vessels to transport the TG 7.2

combat security force to threatened areas.

(6) Through coordination with CTG 7.4, prepare to augment the
airlift capability of TG 7.4 in accomplishment of his missions as
outlined below.
(7) Be prepared to assist CTG 7.1 in the disposition of critical
materials and equipment where required.

(8) Prepare to evacuate key personnel designated by ATCOM

ENIWETOK by ship and to disperse ships with escorts.

The Commander, TG 7.3, in the event of a RED alert, will:

(1) Defend ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS from attack by enemy ves-

sels and protect sea lines of communication in the danger area.

(2) Assist in the evacuation of key personnel when such evacua-

tion is ordered by ATCOM ENIWETOK.
other task groups.

Coordinate evacuation with

(3) Deny entry to danger area of all unauthorized vessels.
(4) Assist CTG 7.2 in the defense of atolls through the destruc-

tion of enemy aircraft and vessels.

(5) Transport the TG 7.2 combat security force to threatened

areas as required.


Select target paragraph3