Intelligence, Security and Public Information


recording the results of security examinations.
Personnel Clearances. Each task group commander is responsible that
all personnel participating in Operation CASTLE are cleared in
accordance with CJTF SEVEN security memoranda.
Claseification Criteria. A "Classification Guide for Operation
CASTLE" concerning all pertinent classification criteria will be
issued to the task group commanders for their guidance..
Travel Security Control
a. CINCPAC Serial 020, dated 1 April 1952, outlines the requirements for entrance to the ENIWETOK-BIKINI operational or closed
area, as defined on page 1 of this operation plan.
b. All persons who are authorized to enter the ENIWETOK-BIKINI
operational area will be initially cleared for entry under the provisions of CINCPAC Serial 020. Task group commanders may authorize
reentry without recourse to CINCPAC.
c. CTG 7.2 is responsible that individuals arriving at the
ENIWETOK ~ BIKINI operational area who have not been cleared for
entry under CINCPAC Serial 020, or reentry as provided in paragraph
7b, above, are restricted to ENIWETOK ISLAND and unclassified information pending proper clearance.
d. Movements of surface vessels and aircraft within the ENIWETOK BIKINI operational area will be monitored by CTG 7.3. CTG 7.2 will
be responsible for the security control of personnel and cargo on
vessels and aircraft originally arriving at ENIWETOK-BIKINI ATOLLS
and any further arrivals that may be occasioned by inter-atoll travel.
e, Travel of personnel within the ENIWETOK-BIKINI operational area
will be controlled by a badge system for access to the higher
classified areas.
Security Areas

The "ENIWETOK-BIKINI Danger Area", as defined on page 1 of this

operation plan, consists of three (3) classified area categories, as

defined by AEC GM Security Bulletin No. 18, for purposes of security
enforcement. These areas are:
(1) Exclusion Area.

A security area containing a security in-

terest which is of such nature that access to this area constitutes,

for all practical purposes, access to the security interest contain-

ed therein - i.e., a shot site or assembly area.
(2) Limited Area.

A security area containing a security inter-

est in which area uncontrolled movement would permit access to the
security interest contained therein; but such access may be prevented by escort and other internal restrictions and controls ~ i.e.,


(3) Controlled Area. A security area adjacent to or encompassing limited or exclusion areas and within which area uncontrolled
movement does not permit access to a security interest, and which is


Select target paragraph3