Concept _of Operations

pools in accordance with existing procedures during the ENIWETOK
phase of the operation.

CTG 7.3 will continue to operate those

units of his boat pool at ENIWETOK during the BIKINI operational

Annex R applies.

a. All BIKINI based personnel and equipment not directly involved
an or essential to late preparations and shot operations will be
phased to ENIWETOK ATOLL or permanently redeployed prior to B minus
2 days.

The following evacuation procedures apply:

(1) Shot #1 (BRAVO), Shot #2 (UNION), Shot #3 (YANKEE), Shot #5
(a) With the exception of the Firing Party on ENYU (and

possibly a small maintenance party on ENINMAN) BIKINI ATOLL will be

evacuated of all personnel.

The number of personnel on ENYU (and

ENINMAN) will be within the capability of helicopter lift.

(») In the event of excessive contamination of the ENINMAN
ISLAND camp, a limited capability will exist for indefinite operations from afloat.
(c) Boat pool craft, not accompanying the evacuation to sea,
will be either anchored in deep water in the southern part of BIKINI
lagoon or beached on the ENINMAN ISLAND group or ENYU ISLAND.
(2) Shot #7 (KOON). Total pre-shot evacuation of all personnel
(less Firing Party on ENYU) will be necessary. Equipment not pre-

viously redeployed to ENIWETOK ATOLL will be relocated on ENYU (and/
or BIKINI) ISLAND prior to shot time.
(3) Shot #4 (ECHO).

There will be no pre-shot evacuation of

personne] or materiel from ENIWETOK ATOLL. Only the relocation of
personnel, equipment and small craft from the northern islands to
ENIWETOK and PARRY ISLANDS will be necessary,
(4) All ships of TG 7.3 will put to sea for each shot if not
occupied in other operations at the non-involved atoll. Small craft
at the affected lagoon which cannot be evacuated will be moored in
deep water or placed ashore in areas affording greatest protection
from blast, heat, wave action and radiological effects.


Emergency Post-Shot Evacuation Capability

(1) During the ENIWETOK operations the joint task force will
maintain a capability for emergency post-shot evacuation. An emergency post-shot evacuation will be executed on order of CJTF SEVEN
in the event radiological contamination conditions so dictate. Such
evacuation will be for personnel safety only and will not involve
materiel or personal belongings other than toilet articles, Any

such evacuation will be capable of accomplishment on four (4) hours


(2) During shot phases at BIKINI (H Hour to H/24 hours) person-

nel at ENIWETOK ATOLL will be in an alert status.


Although remote,

Select target paragraph3