rrecisely hew it will be implemented.
A fully adequate radiological health program must be

funded and implemented.

It can and should include the

people of Bikini, who will one Gay soon be resettled, the exposure

victims at Rongelap and Utirik Atolls and the Enewetak people.
The final impact statement should address this question and
state clearly whether such a program is planned and what it will

It too must deal with the health effects of hot particles

and all forms of low level radiation, with emphasis on internal

Unknown Concerns

We have tried to identify all the radiological needs of this
program which require further attention, all with the ultimate
safety of the Pecple of Enewetak in mind, but we cannot be certain
that we have dcne a complete job.

Hence, we call upon the United

- States government to continue to assume the important responsibility of giving the best and most careful attention to these matters
for the long range future.

Considerations Related to Cost

Funding requests for the initial phase of this program have
been previously presented to the United States Congress.

They did

not receive very favorable or sympathetic consideration, to put

it mildly, by the members of the House Armed Services and Appropriations Committees.

In general, the objections related to the

great cost of the entire program and evidenced a reluctance to

commit the United States government to the first phase of a

Select target paragraph3