

and off-AtoJ1l disposal of all contaminated soil must be the
Biated objective of the progran.
Even using the high plutonium contamination standard set by
tne Task Group (40 pCi/g, etc.), the total amount of Atoll soil
which would have to be removed and disposed is 779,000 cubic yards.

(Vol. I § 5.5.2.)
should be,

If the soil standards are lowered as they

that volume will increase.

It is suggested in the DEIS that cost, legal, political and
technical problems aside, the removal of contaminated soil and
its ‘replacement with clean soil may not “assure radiological
safety" and may present "serious ecological damage of unknown

(Vol. I, 8

We fully favor this conserva-

tive approach to these problems (just as we do when the question
is one which may reduce the program cost, i.e., high soil contamination standards), but a clear decision must be taken to study and
fully assess the relation of soil removal to dose reduction
(including the risk from airborne hot particles) and the likely
ecological effects of soil removal and replacement.

These studies

should be commissioned immediately and prosecuted with ail deliberate

In the meantime, complete soil removal and replacement

should be adopted as the prime objective.
In addition, maximum effort must be made to overcome technical,

legal and political impediments to off-Atoll disposal of contaminated soil.

Radiological Monitoring of Cleanup

The AEC Task Group has wisely recommended the establishment

of “team of experts" to monitor the execution of the radiological




Select target paragraph3