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At any and all of these hearings, every effort should be made

to elicit the widest possible range of infermation and opinion
bearing upon the question.

Once such standards are set, they

should govern the planning and cleanup activities at Enewetak.


Removal and Disposal of Radiocontaminated Materials

These comments relate to the proposed removal and disposal of

contaminated scrap metal and soil treated in the DEIS at Vol. l,

885.3.3.3 and 5.5.
All radiocontaminated scrap metal on the Atoll has been

identified and will be removed, as of course it must be, but the
precise method of disposal has not been determined.

Four alterna-

tive methods are discussed: ccean dumping of the loose scrap,
concrete encapsulation in the Cactus and Lacrosse craters at the
north end of Runit islet, or removal to the United States mainland
for storage.

We appreciate the practical and political difficul-

ties presented by the various disposal methods which would remove
the scrap from the Atoll entirely, but the People of Enewetak are
adamantly opposed to any disposal upon or within the environs of

the Atoll.

Ocean, dumping, according the DEIS (Vol. I, 8,

was rejected "in view of the difficulty in obtaining a permit and
certainty of international complications."

Disposal to the United

States mainland was disfavored for similar reasons.

(Vol. I, 8 5.5.

2.4.) Disposal on the Atoll must be rejected and the other methods
should be explored, the necessary permits and authority obtained
and disposal off the Atoll selected as the preferred method.
Removal and disposal of contaminated soil presents more serious
cost and practical difficulties, but here again the complete removal

Select target paragraph3