Natioual Archives
Reproduced from ihe holdings of the
Pacific Southwi st Region

S. P, Howell


David L. Narver, Jr.

survey Personnel Requirements

July 15, 1953
Reference is made to my memorandum No. 5155 dated April 23
1953, to the Resident Engineer regarding survey requirements.

This memorandum recommended immediate reauisitions to increase the strength of the department to six four man parties
plus supporting office personnel. As of this date requisitions

to meet this strength are open for one chief of party and six
chainmen, Men are in process for the positions but with the
exception of two chainmen scheduled for departure on 2+ July

thearrival date of these personnel et the Jobsite is inefinite,

The volume of survey requirements continues to inerease and we
ean be certain from past experience that considerable last

A party will be

required to be available for full time work at each of the
pipe arrays after arrival of the Users,


This item alone can

use half of the department strength. During construction of
the Charlie pipe lines as many as three parties may be needed
as it is doubtful if one party can handle the construction
layout and precise alignment. Nearly four hundred stations
are listed on the instrumentation charts, Each will require
some sort of a survey, There will be other requests such as tying in
all recoverable J, S. Navy Survey Stations, establishing ranges for
post test crater surveys, etc.

in view of these anticipated requirements, and the fact that the

department will not be up to six party strength for at least another


it is recommended that consideration be given to requisitioning

two additional four man parties, This will result in a total strength
of efght parties which should be sufficient to meet the work load.


is done immediately it will allow the Personnel Department to


recruit and process on this basis and the arrival of the processed
personnel at the Jobsite can be made dependent on the work load as the
job progresses,
The Personnel Department has several instrument men in process as well
as additional chainmen,
At iesst one of these instrument men is a
ehief of party prospect but his experience reeord is too limited to
hire him in this elassifiecation.
As the cuality of evailable chainmen
will not permit much early reclassificatior “rom this group consideration
should be given to hiriwzw ©’ ore or mere «©
hese instrument mer. if avalliable after processinr.

David L, Narver, Jr.


Resident Engineer ©

L. & Hammonc




Phicf Troject Engineer
Project Engineering File
kngineering File

-"& Med >



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minute support will be required by the Users.

Select target paragraph3