The external dose received by the returned Bikinians will depend upon
where various people are located, and for what periods of time, within the
island complex.
or children.

Location in turn depends upon whether they are men, women,

The returnees

(see Age Distribution table) will probably

consist of about equal numbers of men and women.
to be spent in the

four radiation domains

The amount of time likely

(village area,



and lagoon) by the various groups within the population are shown in Table 1.
Probably the most

time will be spent

in the village area,

is intermediate between beach and interior levels.

where the dose rate

The dose rate may be

reduced one half by covering the ground with an inch of clean sand or soil.
This in essence will be done in the village area through the custom of covering the dirt floor and the yard with several inches of polished coral


The expected integral dose to the population over various time intervals
starting in 1970 is shown in Table 2.
fhe actual internal dose derived from eating native foods is somewhat
more difficult to assess.



in the past,
from the

the natives will doubtless

lagoon and ocean.

least at

pandanus, etc.

However, three points should be borne in mind.




take much of their sus-

Edible land plants will be severcly

due to the sparcity of fruit-bearing coconut,

The Bikinians have become accustomed to eating new

foods, and will probably continue to eat such things as rice, flour, canned
meat, and powdered milk.
found in foodstuffs


The only radionuclides of biological

collected at Bikini were 9055,

137¢5 and



Select target paragraph3