Chairman Ray


The lifestyle of the Enewetak people will be described in detail
in the radiological survey report. Calculations of exposure to
post-cleanup residual radioactivity, if any, will be based on
this lifestyle.
Further, the preparation of the lifestyle
description has served to involve the Enewetakese in matters
affecting their return to their homeland. They have been most
cooperative and eager to assist not only the AEC work but longrange planning by the DOD and DOI.

The Director, Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research, ;
has organized a Radiological Assessment Review Group which is
composed of individuals not directly involved in the survey and
which will oversee and guide evaluations of the survey. The
members of this group are: Dr. N. F. Barr, Division of Biomedical |
and Environmental Research, Chairman; Mr. T. F. McCraw, Division of:
Operational Safety; Dr. B. Shleien, Public Health Service;
Dr. C. L. Weaver, Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. R. B. Leachman,
Department of Defense; Dr. P. F. Gustafson, Argonne National Laboratory;

C. R. Richmond, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; and Dr. A. H.

Seymour, University of Washington. This group has been reviewing
the adequacy and sufficiency of the survey data and their work
is now nearly complete.
It is expected that recommendations of
this group will be generally favorable as to the completeness of
the survey report.

The Director, Division of Operational Safety, has formed a Task
Group to prepare the recommended judgements and recommendations
for Commission approval. This Task Group has been working with
the NV and LLL staffs closest to the survey as well as knowledgeable

AEC staff (DMA, DBER, DWMT, DRS), interagency staff (DOD, DOI,

EPA), and advisors (TTPI, BNL).
These recommendations and judgements,
' to be forwarded for the Commission's consideration by December 1, 1973,

‘will be limited to radiological considerations and will include:


Recommendations on whether the radiation environment of

the atoll

is acceptable for permanent habitation;

Actions which provide for radiation dose reductions
through alterations of the environment;



Department of Energy
Historian’s Office

Select target paragraph3