July 9, 1976
Utirik, Marshall Esl: mds
Trust Dervitory of th oe Vacifie

Mr. Roger Ray, AM/H#2:S

U.S. Eusezy Research and Development Administration (RDA)

‘Nevada Operations Orfice
P.O. Box 11100
as, Hevada 8911),
Dear Mr. Ray:

This Letter iis frum the chiefs and ell of the people in Utirik Atoll.

rt has now been twenty-two years since the radioactive fall-out from the bom,

which has disturbed the oeace and velflare from 1.95); until the present,

Phe doctors from GDA have told us that there vere ‘Ll vads in Utvivile ar ic

175 rads in Rongelap, therefore, ve are very surprived, because in Utirik ve
have ten cases of tayvodd noduics, three of which vere madd.grant ¢ Bat du ity nulad

they have tharey cases
of thyyroid nodules, and also three cases of malignanc:.
Perhaps vou can
tell us “ie there is some explanation for the same muaber of

thyroid cases in Rongelep and Utirik, wo received very different Levels of


Additionally, we have many more things to ask, because at present ve are
not haspy with the Way things are:
le Way is there net a control group in Uvirik?
a) The pecola of Utirik ave different from the people of Rongcelep--t hey


are a different gens pool and brecding vonulation.
b) The people of Ubisik were exposed to difVerent Levels of radiatio n than
the peopla of Rongolao~--Utirik head li rads, and Rongelap had 175 rads o

) Thera verve different return times tor the Utdirik people and the 2ton, clap
people froa Kvajalein (following their evacuation) jin L9$y--~the OWN

of Utinil returned to their atoll. ofter three months,

and the people

of Rongelap returned to their atoll after three VOUS »
ad) Would it be correct to sey that perhaps the Utirik people receive Co

than only Uh rads iin light of thehy quick return time to Utinik?


c) Vould it be correct to say that we.can cxoeck many more cases of Waiyrodasdt
provlems cin the Culuve?
2o iow come the ERDA doctors told us that there vas just a Jittvle bit of radiation
"an Utirak ond a lot in Ronvelac? Theat is, eh are there the sare number
of makignant thyrcld ¢lands jin Utirik as there arc in ilonpelap?
Bo Vy is it that Lhe wero doctors do not examine the children of the cca!




hho Why ds ib that the BRDA doctors pive differcnt treatment Lo She noople of
Utirdi than the pcopie of Hongelap? They do not give full exawinati OG
to the pooghe of litinik every year, as they do in dongelap « vinou’
The people of Uthvik should be able to choose their om coctor
a) Tae people of Ulinik do net Like Ne. Mnudsen because he does not
exumine ult of the UbLirik peomie,7 and looks at the puoplea- of Ubirik
as if they ave morcly animals in a scientific oxporimernt, and thw heyy
he doos web meovidee o Usielk call! for the veonles
6b) The people of Ubtieik do nol Viles Pu. Conard be use he tien bo th i:
poeonbhe, acd dias
ot het:
oute boo mrntepab as bb
aye das


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