Mr. G. S. Zumwalt




A word about the quarantive on Runit and about the "dump site" on
Tilda. First, the quarantive was imposed on Runit in the spring of

1972 when we found that there were pieces of metal with a high
plutonium assay on and near the surface at some Locations on that
Although these presented no particular hazard to people working
on Runit, we wanted to isolate that contamination and not run the risk
of spreading it, by vehicle tire or shoe sole, for example, to boats
and other atoll locations.
Evidence from the cleanup operation is that
the primary plutonium hazard (resuspension of particles of respirable

size) is extremely low even under the extraordinary conditions of sur-

face disturbance and soil movement.
As to the "dump
that you refer to the monument and underlying buried
made causeway between Sally and Tilda.
We have made
measurements in that area and the Defense Department

site", I assume
debris on the manmany surface
has conducted fairly

extensive sub-surface investigations. It appears that the debris which
is buried there is very well contained, and that short of excavating to
a depth of several feet it is difficult to imagine any way of becoming
exposed to a radiation hazard in that area.

I hope that this letter places at least some of your concerns in clearer
Please do not hesitate to write me again if you have further



Soap ~

Rogef/ Ray 7

Assigtantyf r Pacific Operations
ce w/encl of G. S..
W. Weyzen, DOE/H

M. E. Kaye, EPA/LV

walt ltr.:)


ween 34

Select target paragraph3