tiles on the walls and ceiling. The building was centrally air conditioned
but the equipment has been removed. As with the computer center building
on Parry the building could be utilized for public use if windows are cut
into the walls. The building is surrounded by a high chain-link fence.
There are six metal and several 90' wooden antenna on the island,
There is a dock at Japtan which will require repairs prior to being
suitable for regular use. A concrete boat launching ramp is located
next to the dock.

We departed Japtan at approximately 1400 hundred and anchored off

Runit et about 1500. Runit has a land area of .120 sq. miles and
is code named Yvonne. We did not tour the entire area of Runit. We
were concerned primarily with the condition of the area in the immediate
vicinity of Cactus and LaCross craters. There was a concrete bunker
whose interior was constructed in the form

of a maze near ground "0", The bunker
housed measuring and recording cquipment
during the blasts.

There was evidence of

only limited scrub vegetation in the area.

The craters can be utilized for small boat

harbors if a limited amount of channel

blasting is undertaken.

The central

portion of the west side of the island

looks like a ship graveyard when viewed
from the ship. There are possibly 20
or mre derelict landing craft sunk and
beached in the area.


qe- Lending Craft


aCross Crater


The survey party left Runit island at about 1640 hrs and proceeded to Mike
Crater area where we anchored for the night. Mike Crater is approximately
6000' in diameter and 168' deep.
On the following morning we took two small boats and proceeded around ~
the rims of the craters. It was difficult to explain to the represen-

tatives of Ujelang what had happened to 2 1/2 of their islands.


islands of Elugelab, Teiteiripucchi and Bogererik were each ground zero
for surface bursts. As a result Elugelab, Teiteiripucchi and a portion
' of Bogererik are no more, Theareas of the islands had been as follows:
Elugelab (code named Flora) - .01 sq. miles; Teiteiripucchi, also
sometimes known as Lidibut (code named Gene) - .031 sq. miles and
Bogeirik (Code named Helen) - .050 sq. miles. The configuration of what



Select target paragraph3