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from those air samples will be tabulated in the SWRHL/EPA forthcoming


Bikini No. 5 and Eneu No. 1 are considered to be background stations
since they were located on the windward side of the respective islands,
overhanging the beach.
Values for radionuclide concentrations in air were obtained by
analyzing one half of the filter for each day composited by the station
over the total 14 day sampling period.

centrations ranged from 0.6 x 107%
for Eneu were 0.4 x 1074 pci/m.

For Bikini, the 239Pu air con-

to 5.4 x 1074 pci/m,

All results

For comparison, the average value for

239Pu background in the U.S. during 1968 was 0.4 x 10-4 pCi/m3 and the

maximum permissible concentrations for the general public for 239, 240py

is 2x 1072,

The analytical error associated with these results is

approximately + 25 percent at the 2 sigma confidence level.

In order to assess the variation in air concentration, the remaining

half of the daily samples from Bikini No. 1 were analyzed individually.
The range was from less than 0.7 x 10-4 to 7.9 x 1074 pCi/m3 for 239pu,
The average for ail samples at station No.

1 was approximately 4 x 10-4

pCi/m3 which compares quite favorably with 5.4 x 1074 pCi/m3, the highest

value for Bikini.

Although some variation in daily levels is evident

from these data, the distribution of results appear to be about what one

might expect.

In any event, it is extremely doubtful that significantly

higher concentrations would be encountered under any weather conditions

expected to occur in that area,

The results for Bikini No. 1 may be somewhat representative of highest

levels to be expected when the island is reoccupied since this air sampler

was located adjacent to and downwind of the road and was subjected to
frequent dust clouds stirred up by jeep traffic.



Composite soil samples (15 to 22 individual collections) were taken
in 1970 to a depth of 1 inch from disturbed and undisturbed areas along
rows on Bikini (shown in Figure 4).
On Eneu, soil samples were collected
from the Camp Blandy and North Central areas (shown in Figure 5).
profile samples were taken at weli points as shown in Figure 4.
The principal radionuclides in the roils are 137s and 25s¢.
values of
Cs on Bikini vanzed from i.:s vnan 1 te 476 pCi/g dry soil



Select target paragraph3