This information, combined with the lens-voluwze measurements end the

data on efflux via exchange with seawater (tidal effects) being obtained in

Noshkin's current lens-weter program will lead to a model for the kinetics of

the soil/plent /lens-vater system.

Turnover of the Lens-Water System

In. the lens-water studies of the marine group, importint results ere being

obteined on dynamics,

comcosition, and geographic Gistributicn of lens-water

systems on many of the islends.

An Independent measurement. o7 Lens-vater

Pr such) as
volume and dynamics can be made by using an effective water t
The samples that are being cbtained in the Nosnii
ere used effectively to measure the volume, turnover, imter-iens comounic

end input diluticn effects from rainfall end seawater. These resuitse con be
verified by injecting the avprooriete amcunt of tritium intc several wells
on the contaminated islands.

The present program,

if augmented by water-t

studies, perhaps both by labelling of the internal lens-water and by surfi
lebelling of tie soil above a lens, will vield ingenvendent, ecliateral
measurements cr lens-water characteris
s. This i
possibility treat the turnover rate of the lens system c

controlling factcr, other than radioact
from the atoll environment.




Eveluation of Extermal Beta Dose

In NVO-10 the beta dose was given only minor attention in the external
dose measurements and calculeticns. In reviewing the data, Beck and MehLaugyhiin

estimated that the


beta free air dose at cne meter could be rour

times the ice camma dose. The TLD's as used on Fnewetek hed scme
sensitivity to bevas, whe aerial system none, and the porteble scintilicators
practically none.
Limited results from T
measurements CUES she survey
indicate considerable lower beta exposures than the estimere
cen be considered reliable due to the limited dete base.

To complete the external dose estimates, the range of beta to gemma aose
rates shculd be determined. The range of ratios must be erphasized as the
ratio should vary widely due to ground cover, depth of burial, ote.
A network for measuring beta doses will be established on two or three

islands using a grid similar to that of the 1972 TLD survey. Belle and Daisy
or Belle and Jenet are good candidates due to locetion, exposure rates end
range of ground cover offered. Adeauete data can be obtained vith minimel
instrumentation such as TLD's with special holders for bete response end thin

window Gi survey instruments with panceke Gi probes and removalble shields.

Data from these exper inents will permit e more comprehensive essessment
of external dose to the skin of persons inhabiting the atolls.

Select target paragraph3