
ronment highly contaminated with radioactive material. The radioisotopes of strontium, barium and

iodine, along with some of the rare earths, were absorbed in greatest amount. Probably, only isotopes of
iudine exceeded the accepted permissible levels. No
acute effects of exposure from the internally absorbed

radionuclides were observed. Since their return to
Rongelap in 1957 the people have been exposed to

low levels of certain residual radionuclides — namely,
Cs", Zn® (this is an induced radioelement) and

Sr, Body burdens appear to have reached equilibrium with the environmental levels of these elements, and are well below the accepted permissible

Evaluation of the general health status, illnesses,
mortality, fertility and aging over the eleven years

since exposure has revealed no significant differences between the exposed and the unexposed pop-

ulations that could be attributed directly to radia-

tion. The slight lag in recovery of peripheral blood
elements has not affected their resistance to disease
and immunologic competence. Although the birth

rate has been about the same in the exposed and
unexposed groups there was an apparent increase in

miscarriages and stillbirths in the exposed women

as compared with the unexposed women over the
four vears after exposure (41 per cent, or 13 of 32

pregnancies in the exposed, as compared with 16
per cent, or 8 of 49 pregnancies in the unexposed
womenover a comparable period). A few congenital
abnormalities have been observed in babies born to
exposed women, but no correlation with radiation
seems possible at present. Slit-lamp observations

have failed to reveal radiation-induced opacities of
the lens. Studies of growth and development? comparing 42 exposed with 75 unexposed children have

revealed a slight retardation of growth in the boys
exposed at one to five vears of age, most marked in
those exposed at twelve and eighteen months of
age. The possibility that radiation was a causative
factor will be discussed later.

Calculation of the dose to the thyroid gland from
radioactive iodine requires knowledge of its uptake
by the gland, its half-life in the gland, the size of
the gland and the relative proportion of the several

radioisotopes of iodine. Unfortunately, in the
present situation few data of a direct nature are

available. The relative’ distribution of radioiodines

in fallout is well known. In addition to I", the
isotopes of 1'3, P55 and to a lesser extent I? contributed significantly to the thyroid dose. The only
data available are radiochemical analyses of pooled
urine samples taken fifteen days and longer after

the fallout. Three separate estimates of the dose to
the thyroid glands of adult Rongelap people from

radioiodines have been made: 150 rads (from direct

measurements of urinary I'8'}; 100 rads (by indirect

measurements using animals — pigs removed from

and Marshallese urinary-excretion
data)®; and 160 rads (based on recent recalculations

of early data).6 The last recalculations® were based
on analysis of pooled urine samples mainly from
adult Rongelap people taken fifteen days after detonation; an estimate of the one-day thyroid content of
I'3} was 11.2 microcuries (5.6 to 22.4 microcuries)
assuming that 0.1 per cent (0.05 to 0.2 per cent) of

the maximum thyroid burden was excreted in the
urine on the fifteenth day. The dose of 160 rads to
the adult thyroid gland was calculated from oral
intake and inhalation of the various iodine isotopes,
considering their fission yield, the average energy
deposited in the thyroid gland per disintegration
and the time of absorption. The dose to the thyroid
glands of children three to four vears old was then
calculated by means of these factors with consideration of pulmonary function and the thyroid size?
of a child that age. Water was regarded as the main

source of iodine ingestion, and since water was being

rationed at the time of the fallout, it was assumed that
the children drank the same amount of water as adults
and theretore had the same thyroid burden of radio-

iodines. Because of the small size of the gland the beta
dose of radiation to the gland was substantially larger.
The total estimated dose from the various iodine iso-

topes to the child’s gland was about 1000 rads, with a
minimum of about 700 rads and a maximum of 1400
rads. The glands received an additional 175 rads

from external gammaradiation. Details of these calculations have been given by James and Gofman®

Though the skin overlying the thyroid gland was
frequently the site of “beta burns” it is not believed
that the deposits of radioactive materials in this area
added significantly to the thyroid dose since most of
the beta irradiations were of insufficient energies to

have penetrated to the depth of the gland.


Physical examinations have always included careful inspection of the thyroid region in both exposed
and unexposed comparison groups. In addition,
determinations of the level of protein-bound iodine
and cholesterol in serum have been carried out at
various intervals since 1959 in some persons. Until
1963 no thyroid abnormality was detected in either
the exposed or the comparison population, except
for 1 case of asymptomatic diffuse thyroid enlargement seen in an unexposed woman. The average
level of serum protein-bound iodine was found to
be elevated in both the exposed and comparison
populations. It is believed that this is a racial characteristic, and that the increase is partly due to an
increased level of the iodoprotein fraction of serum.*
No significant differences were noted between the
mean. protein-bound iodine and cholesterol levels in

Select target paragraph3