MyA7 13 ; Woof: ay. i, eit) L> a UNITED STATES ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION NEVADA OPERATIONS OFFICE Ss Pr, 0. BOX 14100 TSA “LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 69134 AN 4 3G Mr. Oscar de Brum District Administrator Marshall Islands District Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Majuro, Marshalilslands 96960 Dear Mr. de Brurn: ee “Ihave received your letter of January 14, 1976, requesting medical examination of the people at Bikini by Dr. Conard and his medical team. Please be advised that [ am discussing your request with our Head- quarters in Washington and with Dr. Conard. further word in this matter. You will shortly have I was sorry to miss you on my stop at Majuro last week. - With best personal regards, REPOSITORY “dee - LORAEATAU COLLECTION DOB RE Bices 80X No. 2.8 FoF G Ma HALLESS ah FOLDER Hel Dee By493 =o: YANG » “olfLN ? ew hhey, SIP ” (OL11%3 Roger Ray, Assistant Manager for Environment & Safely