fact, be reached; however, there. is no doubt but that interesting and
valuable results of a scientifid and technological nature will emerge,
The program is of interest and worthy of support.


As you know, we were requested by the former General Manager to

consider the problem of how most effectively to manage and evaluate the
programs of research carried out in the National Laboratories. Our Sub—

committee on Research Has been activé in visiting the Laboratories and
studying their researches, and is attempting to develop some principles .

which may be helpful to the Commission in connection with this problem.
The full Committee has discussed the, sub ject at length, but is not yet
ready to present final conclusions,

We were interested.to hear some preliminary results of the strontium-

90 sampling program recommended by Project SUNSHINE, The results were
interesting for the very large variations which were found for different |
samples. We feel that the project. is off to an excellent start and.
await with great interest the results of the analysis. of the numerous
samples which are now on the way. We continustoattachgreat importance
to this project.

4, The Committee was greatly heartened by the excellent progress which
has been achieved in the field of production and special materials and
the high promise for the future,

before the GAC.

Sua thawed tau sant Rb 3

5, The next meeting of the General Advisory Committee will be held in H
Washington on January. 6, 7, and 8, 1954. This meeting will be devoted: -|
in the first instance to such problems
as ider
the Commission’
whieh ae =
ers toof put:
certain matt
to cons

We will also wish

the Commission will be notified well before our next meeting.

As always, members of the GAC will be available to the. Commission’

for any problems which may arise. between.meetings... TheChairmen of “the

Subcommittees are also available to call special meetings. ‘should:the”‘Come
mission have emergency need of their services.


Sincerely yours, 7





Chairman ..

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