
to the


Washington 25, D. C.

November 7, 1953
Mr. Lewis L. Strauss, Chairman .

U.S, Atomic Energy Commission

Washington 25, D.C,

Dear Mr. Strauss: =
Herewith is the summary report of the Thirty-seventh Meeting of
the General Advisory Committee, held in Washington on the 4th, 5th,

and 6th of November, 1953,

All. members were in attendance,

We wish to. thank the Commission and staff for their high degree of cooperation in arranging for this meeting, in supplying complete
background information for the subjects to be considered, and in providing for the attendance of staff and consultants; which greatly
aided the deliberations. of our Committee i
In both our informational and. executive sessions we dave par

ticular consideration to:

(1) weapon matters, including the study of

the recent nuclear explosions in Soviet territory; (2) a review of the
reactor program ; with particular attention to a.. possible 5-year ‘plan;
(3) research matters, including the. proposed laige | strong-focusing °

accelerator at. Brookhaven; the various heavy pafbicle accélerators..

proposed for Yale, Berkeley and ORNL, a review of the present sbatug
of Project. SUNSHINE , and controlled: thermonuclear reactions} and, . (4)

present status of production of fissionable and spedial materials:


The Committeé haa the.‘benefit ofah exdellerit bred

| posal.for the CASTLE tests, and.other.weaponmatters.js



BWevdid not havetime’ toconsider’

he interest ig su
“Tor the,\anial1 weapons program but propose
to returnto this subjest atafututd meeting of the Committee.

Another | dub je t whi¢ h we may" atlidy ig the question of the development
of a& weapon 3 doh
Will: maximize the total explosion yield within the

weight-carrying dapacity ¢ofourr largest bombers.
men to intetr

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