=39~He next asked what sort of response the Commission desired from the | _


tion -

Committee on the subject of information exchangewith the Canadians,

Exchange Mr, Strauss, Mr. Murray, and Dr. Smyth remarked on this question. “the”

with the



Canadians Commission is anxious ‘| zoster cooperation vith‘the Canadians, antied~|
pates some2 opposition, and would Like reinforcement for its crguments,

Tt. would help if the GAC would ook over.past exchanges and couldpoint

out their value. to the U.S The. Canadians are particularly anxious:foroe
more cooperation in: the field of power reactors and ‘the associated|
research and technology.


Their security situation is in good shape,

although the free exchange between Chalk River and the Britishis
is somewhat

Mr, Strauss said. it would be soon enough. if he had a memo |

by the time of the next GAC meeting.




Several Committee members mentioned points 3in whieh U.S,Canadian
cooperation had been helpful, to us:

experience in operating heavy water

reactors at high flux and“high power; irradiation of materials ‘at. Chale
River; flat plate fuel elements} early work:on TEP and Redox; D20







Dr. “Smyth asked if the question of the classification of the con

Classi- ‘troiled thermonuclear reaction program hadcome up. Dr, Rabi replied
of CIN



that athad been discussed at length, but that the gachad no recommenda ce

tion to‘make at present. He asked.‘the individual,nombers to empress
theirviews. . They did sO, a8 follows.
| Mr, Whitman: alittle inelined to.favor. declassi fication.


Dr. Wigner: | no_strong feelings. if at were ‘declassifiedand
then reclassified in the Light of important developments, the cessa-

tion of publication would be very obvious,

Select target paragraph3