On Project ‘Sunshine , it was. felt that comment based on the Limited

amount of data in hand would be unwie, except to note the large varia-

tions in Sr-90 content foliha in differentsamples.

It was felt ‘that the - |

GAC should go on esterhs ‘dontinuing to: attach great Amportarice:to the .


(Appendix B, ‘item 3)

_ On the subject of information exchange with the Conadians,Dri Rabi.
tion Exchange
with the


asked Dr. Libby, Mr, ‘Waitman, and Dr, Wigner to prepare statorients |‘of
past experinece in this field ‘for transmittal to Mr, Strauss,


It was agreed that members who wished to comment on the patent
presentation should address their remarks individually to the Commis-

sioners inthe next part of this: session.


With regard to the Research Subcommittee!s recommendations about the
in the

National Laboratories, it was felt that the Committee could not reach a
position at this time, but that the Minutes would inform the Commission
ag to the Subcommittee! s thinking. The opinion was expressed that the

Laboratories are for the most part already in excellent condition.
Brookhaven isdeveloping notably. . Argonne may be the main problem.
The Chairman requested Dr.: Lbby to prepare a paper on the. Sub-


Agenda, 7 committee's study of the Laboratories and its recommendations, for full
Meeting _ dress review by- the GAC at its next: meeting. Dr. Libby agreed to prepare .

and circulate such a paper. The Chairman also asked Dr. Fisk and Mr.


Murphree if ‘they could furnish information based on industriel expertonss®
about salaries of technical personnel, particularly those of top oe

They agreed to do so.

It was agreed to inform the Commission

that the Committee was continuing to study the problem of how most i



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