


At a September meeting at Los Alamos the future requirements for

Li~6 had been raised, arid 2 new plant would be constructed to meet the
increased needs,

The Colex process, had been chosen as the one most

likely to meet schedules.


This process involves Li*(aq) - Li (amalgam)

exchange in pulsed, colums.

Hydrolysis of the amalgamis reduced by a

operation at low temperature (5°- 10°C),

The feeds will be cooled; it

.will’probably be unnecessary to cool the’ colums,Contractors have bee
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selected;_Carbide will operate the plant
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The schedule|for thenewplant”‘is
St operational phase ‘April,1955;‘final, October 1955, The new plant

will cost about $70 million, including $13 million for.mereurys the Blex
cost was $45 million.

The> operating °cost of the®newplant 4willamount

to about $3/gram. ;

i| This ‘question wil bec mekderes

after-the Castle bests, Orex may be of Some promise for the third ADP

plant, but Colex looks better at present.
A new boron-10 plant is being built at the Lake Ontario ptorage
Boron-1O works,

It will cost $1.5 million and produce 250 kg B-l0/year.

Operation —

is expected in the first part of 1955,
Current thinking about power levels at the reactor sites is


The optimistic expectations are now for 8000 Mit at Savannah

River and 12,500 Mw at Hanford,

These are not. yet assured,

The Savannah River figure assumes success with the flat plate fuel
element development.

Encouraging results have been obtained on the -

Select target paragraph3