
to follow.the various studies and developments fevg. on the 8! projestile)
and to raise ‘red flags if necessary. It has access ‘to but not a great,


impact on much of the weapon. systems work in the bop, One limitationis *

the smallness of the DMAstaff,



Gen: Fields reviewed the promising, developments in the Li-6 produc~



He alse said that the capital facility costs for the |

theritonuclear program will be $227 million,

Operating soste this year


will be $36 million andwill rise to morethan $100 million peryear.

~~ Dr,York next ‘commented on the work at Livermore,


He did not

anticipate that the new directive for small fission weapon development at
Livermore would seriously interfere with the thermonuclear program,
provided finances were adequate, although it would divert some. of the
available skilled talent,




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