temporary and portable equipment must be the rule.

Proceeding with

beachhead operations at Bikini on 1 October 1952, as proposed, was
authorized at the same time.

The development of Bikini Atoll for OPERATION CASTLE is outlined
in the Task Force history and will not be repeated here.


it to say that the original concept of a 500-man "shot-island" camp

with an airstrip suitable for use by C-47 aircraft and test facilities adequate for detonation of one device evolved into an opera-

tional complex involving temporary camp facilities on five different
islands of the atoll, with a total capacity of approximately 1,900
people, facilities for interatoll and intra-atoll air and water
transportation, extensive radio and telephone communication systems,
and scientific structures, control station and timing and firing
circuitry adequate for detonation of six test units all in the

greater than one megaton range.

In preparation for CASTLE, population estimates indicated that

base facilities at Parry Island would need to be expanded to accommodate the number of Task Force personnel who would be in residence,

In addition to constructing three warehouses and related

operational facilities, TG 7.5 constructed six additional berracks
buildings, another wing on the mess hall, and additional administrative office space (refer to Part 5).

Pre-operational activities

included independent and joint planning with other task groups to
adequately provide the personal services which would be required;

to assure coordinated air, water and land transportation; to establish acceptable communication facilities; to assure that provision

Select target paragraph3