
For example, during the six-month period between May and

October, 1953, 29,385 persons were screened and checked at the CSES

office as a result of intensive advertising.

Of this number, ap-

proximately 75% were eliminated as being unqualified,

9,181 were

interviewed in the Contractor's offices and 4,638 were accepted for

employment. Of this 4,638, 2,064 were actually hired. The difference had, in the interim between acceptance for hire and receipt of

final security clearance, found employment elsewhere, changed their
plans due to personal reasons, or were eliminated for security reasons.

During this peak period, in order to cover a broader area in

the recruiting program, it was necessary to station employment interviewers at San Francisco, San Diego, and Fresno, Californiato
work with the California State Employment Offices in those cities.
During this same period, H&N's Honolulu Office expanded their recruiting program to include interviewing at other islands, mainly
Hawaii and Maui, in coordination with the Territorial Employment

As a result of this intensified recruiting program, the

job was staffed essentially as planned in the original program and
no serious shortages of men developed.
PART 11.


The over-all responsibility for radiological safety, including—




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monitoring and reporting on exposures, was a Task Force function.

Ge mma c 7+

At the beginning of OPERATION CASTLE, the Atomic Energy Commission

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established as the maximum permissible weekly exposure to redistion__
for AEC personnel at the Pacific Proving Grounds the figure of -300—

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Select target paragraph3