or ashore introduced delay in planning and executing this scientific construction program.

Late receipt of structural criteria

on numerous structures complicated an already strenuous schedule
for design, procurement of materials and equipment, shipment to
the Jobsite, and construction.

In September of 1953, an inspec-

tion of the status of progress of construction and scientific
programs resulted in a decision to defer the date of the first
detonation of the series from approximately 15 February 1954 to
about 1 March.

There was no postponement or delay of any test

in the series due to non-availability on schedule of TG 7.5 structures or support services.




The Field Manager, Eniwetok Field Office, U. S. Atomic

Energy Commission, authorized Holmes & Narver, Inc. by letter
dated 12 June 1952, to make a preliminary reconnaissance and
study of Bikini Atoll to determine the possibility of its use as
an auxiliary proving ground, and to report their findings.


study was based on the assumption that Bikini Atoll might be used
for one or more detonations in a future operation.

The report

"Auxiliary Proving Ground, Marshall Islands" was submitted to the
Field Manager, Eniwetok Field Office, on 2 August 1952.

This re-

port was based on existing charts, photographs, aerial reconnaissence of the area, and information obtained from people familiar
with the Atoll.



LANL, Lone

-7T -

Select target paragraph3