Copyry K.F OH are rare, and such abnormalities are amenable both to preventive measures (such as prophylactic use of stable iodine) and to treatment with hormones and surgery. Re: a References 1, Conard RA: A twenty-year review of medical findings in a Marshallese population accidentally exposed to radioactive fallout. BNL 50424, September, 1975 ta . Conard RA Summary of thyrow findings in Marshallese 22 years after exposure to Sur Ack radioactive fallout. in De Groot J (ed): Radiation Associated Thyroid Carcinoma. New misele: as York, Grune ard Stratton. 1977. p 24). . Larsen PR, Conard RA, Knudsen. Robbins J, Wolff | Rall JE: Thyroid hypofunction appearing as a delayed manifestauornof accidental exrosure to radioactive fallout in a Marshallese population, in Late Biological Effects of lonizing Radiation, vol. J, International Atomic Energy Ageacy. Vienna, 1978, pp iG1-115. Gou Shir and *Dem. Balto Med. Ouk fb a teeee ee ee Aggy huma or ea excl’ cones incre acelc more De beer the > repur even: TA Sur: Ridyc thai” in tn. The folle chin, exes and «