Twist, don, Janes veCormack, Jr. August 22, 2950 Director, "Ao dtury .pplicatdon Philip J, Varley, acting Secretary 3 SY iB ty AA -C bo - C onmiasion rk REPOSITORY College onnm oe AL, SOL TASK coection RE_226, 46-51 Secrelay G Lie 4 P JP BOX No, (O% (ww 3- 326-73-- 007) FOLDER 47.6 (to-20- 4p) Green houre '¢ Vol. */ «6G Meeting 456 on Aueust 17, 1950, the Commission veviered the draft report of Joint Task Fores Three on Operation GREEMIOUSS and dise cussed a draft letter to General “woada. The Comniasions me Noted tho draft report of JTr+3; and he Toquested the Director of Mllitary Application to reviso the draft letter to Cemral cusada 4n the l4eht of disensaion at the meoting, fe ‘The Acting Cenernl ‘onager has requested that you take the necessary implomonting action on this cectstone 3. BEST COPY AVAILABLE rt is further recuostead that confes of any implementing papers be “ywenished this office. o have alrwady received a copy of the letter to Oene aral weada, os dlepotched. CLASSIFICATIONCANCELED DOE NSt ECLA: DOIN CATION REVIEW£.0, 19988 BY EVEHET YE WASHINGTON LOENN-923 Files - Sect.v g Philip J. Farloy dat, heey PIF ML Acting Secretary Tot ” R.B.Snapp CLAS ASCIFICATION pee a 2)CANCELLED AS FAR OFFICE, _- SURWAMED> DATE > , me . :smr Secretariat ° memecner wrens . - 4 \ > y HD. Avomera “M.K.Snick 74 t \ a DeMacDonald— _ “eR I