strontium-85 activity in the precipitate.
As in the
hydroxide method, potassium and cesium remained in
the supernate with the bulk of the sea salts and no
further chemical separation was made.
Strontium-90. The supernate from the foregoing procedure was acidified, hydrogen sulphide was driven off
by heat and the pH was adjusted to 5 with ammonium
hydroxide and acetic acid. Strontium was co-precipitated
with calcium as the oxalate using ammonium oxalate. The
precipitate, after filtering, was wet-ashed with nitric acid
and hydrogen peroxide. The ash residue was re-precipitated in 80 per cent nitric acid to reduce the calcium—
strontium ratio. The strontium nitrate thus obtained
was dissolved in 0:2 N hydrochloric acid and the resulting
solution was passed on to a ‘Dowex 501W X-8’ (100-200
mesh) ion-exchange resin column. After rinsing with
0-2 N hydrochloric acid to remove any unadsorbed contaminants, 0-5 per cent oxalic acid was added to remove
radioiron. The cohunn was stripped off yttrium-90 as
yttrium citrate complex with 5 per cent ammonium
citrate at pH 3-5. Storage time for 2 weeks was allowed
for the secular equilibrium between strontium-90 and
yttrium-90 to be established. The column then was
ro-eluted with a minimum volume of ammoniuin citrate.
the eluate acidified to break up the yttrium citrate complex and the resulting solution was passed on to a shortstemmed eyedropper column containing a 2-cm resin bed
of ‘Dowex 501V X-8’ (100-200 mesh).

When the yttrium-

90 was adsorbed to the resin bed the citrate mass was
removed with dilute acid (0-2 N nitric acid) wash. The
yttrium-90 was stripped off the column with about 5 ml.
of 6 N nitric acid on to a stainless steel planchet, dried and

the relatively mass-free residue counted. This strontium90 method was adapted from a procedure developed by
Kawabata and Held!.
Strontium-90 was determined in the sea-water from
off the Oregon coast bythis method and also by the method
of Mivake, Saruhashi and Katsuragi®. In the latter method
an oxalate precipitation of calcium and strontium is
used, followed by EDTA-masking of calcium and
recovery of yttrium-90 as yttrium hvdroxide after secular
equilibrium is reached.
Phosphorus-32. The method of extracting phosphorus32 from sea-water was suggested by the work of Proctor
and Hood‘ and Murphyand Riley’. Sea-water was placed
in @ separatory funnel and allowed to react with a composite reagent containing ammonium molybdate, sulphuric
acid, ascorbic acid and potassium antimony tartrate’.
Seven parts of N-butanol were added to 150 parts of
sample, and the solution was made moreacidic to favour
extraction of the molybdenum blue. After extraction the
organic layer was backwashed with dilute sulphuric acid
and dried under low heat. The residue was dissolved in a

Select target paragraph3