STATISTICAL HEALTH EFFECT STUDIES E. S. Gilbert, Pacific Northwest Laboratories To develop and evaluate methods for assessing health effects of chronic low-level exposure to environmental agents, particularly ionizing radiation. HI HEALTH AND MORTALITY STUDY C. C. Lushbaugh, Oak Ridge Associated Universities To monitor occupational exposures and health experience of workers in industries related to fuel and energy production. Monitoring will be achieved by a mortality study of workers in selected installations associated with nuclear energy. H2 DOE/CENTRAL OFFICE FOR DEATH CERTIFICATE RETRIEVAL The Central Office for Death Certificate Retrieval provides interaction between all DOE epidemiology programs and the Social Security Administration in order to determine "alive-or-dead" status of individuals enrolled in various research studies. RADIATION EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE CENTER C. C. Lushbaugh, Oak Ridge Associated Universities To develop medical facilities for training, studying and researching radiation accidents, radiation-treatment problems, etc. . DOE HEALTH AND MORTALITY STUDY P. A. Fuqua, M. D., Hanford Environmental Health Foundation To determine the long-range effect of occupational radiation exposure to man through record collection on dosimetry of Hanford workers. U. S. TRANSURANIUM REGISTRY P. A. Fuqua, M. D., Hanford Environmental Health Foundation To serve as a center for acquisition and recording of latest and most precise information on the metabolism of the transuranic elements and their effects on man RADIATION EFFECTS RESEARCH FOUNDATION .L. Allen, Japan To detect and define late radiation effects of atomic bomb exposure in the populations of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.